
お仕事的にもプライベート的にもストレスmaxの状況 なんだかんだ昨日の就寝時間が遅く、睡眠時間的には約3時間半だった終わりには今日は寝起きスッキリ、目覚ましなしで希望起床時刻5時過ぎに起床 昨日はお昼寝も2時間ほどしていたのでもしかしたらそれが効いているのか、あるいは昨日の夕飯が夜遅くなってしまったこともあり、超絶ヘルシーな白菜とシーチキンの煮付けで、食後きちんと3時間程度あけてから寝たのもよかったのかな? 今日の印象としては睡眠すごいよりもやっぱり心拍数の方が調子の良し悪しを表しているよ気がする。 いずれにしてもまだしばらくは骨の様子を見ながらの生活になるので、運動不足の影響を見ながら気をつけて生活しないといけない。 睡眠スコア:63 最低心拍:50 安静時心拍数:59 主観スコア:6/10

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2F+ Coffee Roastery

It has been a long pending cafe on my list to visit, the 2F+ Coffee Roastery. This shop is located in Relau, closer to Free Industrial Zone. The shop is located in front of Golden Triangle, but a little bit difficult to find for a first-timer, as there are no big signboards or parking areas, and the road is rather high-traffic. The cafe has a vast space, divided into a few different areas. Unfortunately, I could not see the entire area, but I think they have over 50+ seating, probably more.  Ambience I came into the shop in lunch time of the weekday, so shop was not crowded, but still had several groups, and a few were in pretty much working mode as I was. Quiet with soft music is very good; if you are alone, you probably notice the road noise from the street right infront of the shop. This may be different at the weekend, where I expect more customers chattering if it is in the evening or the weekend. Taste of the day I rarely take food, but I ordered Thai Basil Pork Rice (RM 19.90) with Ice Lemongrass Lemon Tea (RM18.00) today. There was a set …

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Accidentally deleted the entire server!

On 5th August 2022, I accidentally deleted my server contents. This resulted in my blog being inaccessible, and many of my email accounts are undeliverable… Email may take a few more days to recover, and you may be delayed hearing back from me. On Sunday 7th August, I reorganised the server settings, and email transmission will resume eventually, but I have not saved my web server data. So basically, my blog data is permanently gone. What has happened I previously had a few web servers rented to organise several different websites. However, many websites were closed during the last few years, as related projects are also terminated. So I was planning to cancel some of the web hostings. This time, one of the servers I was supposed to continue comes to an annual renewal timing, but 2 of the web hosting services have been re-branded in the last few years, and I got confused with those two brands. So I accidentally cancelled the server I was supposed to continue. Just a few minutes later, I somehow realised the mistake and contacted the hosting customer services, but the clicking of the cancellation is “immediate and permanent”; therefore, I was unable to …

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Microsoft Office Word 2016 for MacでF7に文章校正が割り当てられている件

最新版のWord for Mac  (2016)では、なぜかF7キーが全角カナ(カタカナ)への変換ではなく、スペルチェックと文章構成に割り当てられているという謎な対応。 そもそもショートカットキーはできるだけWinと共通にして欲しいが、どうやって変えるの!?と何度か聞かれたため、以下、変更方法をメモしておきます。 同様の作業で、他のショートカット設定を変えることができます。 編集記録 2015/10/22作成 2015/11/6更新 2023/04/09 サーバー初期化事故から記事復旧 https://web.archive.org/web/20170503025549/Hiroshi.today/2015/10/22/f7-for-office2016-mac

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